Kesher Synagogue

Englewood, NJ

Inspired by the community’s name, Kesher, meaning both connection and knot in Hebrew, the building is a continuous spatial band which ties together three main programmatic spaces – the sanctuary, social hall, and chapel – and clad with a second ribbed skin to direct and filter light. The synagogue functions are distributed on a “split level” structure which takes advantage of the site’s slope, minimizes the need for excavation, and maximizes daylight. Exterior access is available from all three levels, encouraging a flow of activity from the inside out and eliminating the need for an elevator, not typically used on the Sabbath by Orthodox communities. The building is designed to minimize energy consumption both by the site and orientation of its massing and windows, as well as by a series of green roofs.

The architects won a competition to create an architectural design for this synagogue renovation.

Collaboration with Z-A Studio

Lilith Magazine, October 2013

Image-description View of daily chapel
Image-description Sukkah terrace and classrooms
Image-description Aerial view
Image-description Aerial view with existing house
Image-description Street view
Image-description Lobby
Image-description Lower level plan - social hall and classrooms
Image-description Upper level plan - chapel and main sanctuary

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